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Your Job Sucks! - 5 Ways To Manifest your career.

Updated: Feb 10, 2019

Your job sucks! 

Monday morning comes around and your motivation is flatter than a pancake, the alarm goes off but you're longing to get ready for the day. 

In fact, it's grueling to even think about. 

As humans, we spend nearly 1/3 of our lives working, so why not manifest a job you really love? 

Many people say;

"Well, that's just how it is".

But in reality, that's just a B.S excuse. 

You're eager for more, you don't want to slave for big corporate bosses to go on their 5th holiday this month. 

You're the one that wants more! 

Sick of barely scraping by?

Or perhaps the thought of your job just makes you physically sick?

I get it, and today we'll talk about 5 ways to escape the god awful rat race and manifest the career of your dreams.

1.) In order to manifest your dream job, first, you need a plan!

So you want out, but 'not wanting to work a crap job' just won't cut it, unfortunately.

You need to know exactly what it is you really want, that's the way it works to attract anything within your life. 

So instead of focusing on what it is you don't want, start by writing down a detailed plan to get the heck out of the rat-race. 

Start by listing your passions and hobbies, what you really love to do, you'll be surprised with what careers can align with your passions and really bring in the bacon. 

No matter the skillset you can make an earning doing what you love, you just need to dig deep and weigh the cons and pros of each passion, and decide if it's really what you want to do. 

Remember there are no limitations within your reality, dream big but create a step by step plan to get there. 

2.) Don't worry about what others think: 

Screw what anyone says about your ambitions and goals for life, especially the way you bring in the bread! 

You may have friends, family and/or loved ones opposing your ideas, but it's best to block out the noise. 

Although you may be in their best interests, the most important person to please is yourself. 

Perhaps your great aunt is nagging at the idea of you leaving your job to become an artist, musician or start an off-par career, then it may be time to shut her off... 

I'm kidding...

But don't listen to what anyone says and trust your own intuition. 

Again, you know what's best, and if you think you can have a better life doing what you love then it's a win-win.

3.) Affirmations: 

Affirming your goals helps solidify what you want and blocks out any self-doubt and limiting beliefs you may have. 

Of course you want it, but you may have pesky voices in your head saying things like;

"Is this really a good idea?" 

"Your job is good enough' 

"What if you fail?" 

"What will others think?" 

These voices are nothing but your subconscious trying to play it safe when it comes to making any career change and can sometimes feel daunting, but don't let the noise distract you from what you want. 

Positive affirmations are a really great manifesting tool, and they help your subconscious shut up about unwanted negative thoughts.

The key to a good affirmation is to speak within a present tense and in the first person. 

Here are some examples of positive affirmations for your ideal job;

"I am attracting the right job into my life".

"I have been offered the career of my dreams." 

"I am enjoying working in my dream job.

Make sure to apply affirmations right away, be sure to put them in your daily schedule and practice them every day.

4.) Visualize: 

Visualization is a fun and creative way to create an energetic match with your new career. 

When it comes to visualizing, just like affirmations you need to act as if you have already. 

Visualization works great when meditating or in a zone of peace and relaxation.

To make them effective, you must create a scenario within your mind that feels like a memory, the more specific and 'real' it seems the better. 

Once you've created a movie like script within your mind, play it out over and over again until it becomes second nature. 

After that, you must implement your feelings within your visualizations too, this is what really gets them going. 

5.) Surround yourself with winners and not losers: 

"You are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with"

Maybe you've got friends you would never want your mom to meet, or perhaps there are people in your life that aren't really going anywhere. 

It's important to be careful who you let in and who you spend your most time with, especially when trying to land a new job. 

Start by surrounding yourself with winners and not losers.

These people don't always have to be who you know personally, and if you are inspired by their lifestyle study the crap out of them. 

Don't replicate them, but really take in what they've done and how you can apply it for yourself. 

Attract good people into your life, read books/blogs, watch videos around your ideal lifestyle and learn how they make their money. 


I want to wrap this up by saying you got this! Start with a plan first and make sure it's a very solid one. 

Once you've got an ideal plan in place start taking small steps, begin visualizing and don't forget to affirm your desires. 

Manifesting your dream job is within your grasp, anything is, don't let anyone tell you otherwise....

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