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3 Powerful Techniques to Manifesting Money

Updated: Feb 10, 2019

Are you wondering why you aren't manifesting more money in your life? 

Perhaps you want to drive around in your dream car, or maybe you want to live in a mansion that overlooks a harbor filled with million dollar yachts?

Dreams are free, but they also feel so far away from becoming a reality... 

So how do you escape the rat race? 

How can you start living a life of freedom, as opposed to a life that feels like slavery?

Well, it all starts with money, it's the seed to getting anything materialistic and creating a life of freedom.  

There is only so much time in the day, so what happens when you so work hard, yet see so little result of going anywhere? 

The key is to manifest more money!

But how? And what exactly is manifesting? 

It's the secret ingredient to creating abundance, but first, you need to walk before you can run...

So let's start with the basics, are you ready to make a change?

Let's go!

The basics to manifesting and the law of attraction. 

You may have heard of the law of attraction before, but for those that haven't let's break it down. 

Basically, like attracts like.  Every thought, action or emotion you have is created within your reality.

So what you focus on is what you shall attract within your life. 

Within our world, everything is vibrating on different levels of frequency, so if you begin to match with certain frequencies (e.g. money) you begin to attract more of it into your life. 

Now that you know the basics, I want to share three practical steps to help you manifest more money. 

These probably won't make you an overnight millionaire, but they will definitely help get the ball rolling! 

1.) Visualization: The foundation to manifesting money.

Visualization or mental rehearsal is the foundation of any creation, it's the most powerful tool to manifesting, not just money but literally anything within your reality.

Visualization is so beneficial that scientists have tested different techniques in studies with Olympians and athletes. 

In some cases, visualization has been more beneficial than physical practices! 

Here's a great example of champion golfer Jack Nicklaus describing how he uses visualization to perfect his game. 

“I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp, in-focus picture of it in my head.  First, I see the ball where I want it to finish, nice and white and sitting up high on the bright green grass. Then the scene quickly changes, and I see the ball going there; its path, trajectory, and shape, even its behavior on landing.”

The secret to a visualization that works is not just thought but feelings too, so when trying to attract money it's important to create an emotional response. 

A simple yet powerful technique would be to visualize a fat stack of cash in your hand.

Think about the emotions, smell, and unlimited possibilities you can create with all that dosh in your hands!

Remember, you can create these visualizations however you choose, the stronger the better. 

At first, it may seem a little weird, but within time you will make a habit of doing it, plus it is really fun. 

2.) Make peace with money:

When you experience financial stress or struggles with money like piles of bills and overdue credit, it's easy to start resenting it. 

It's understandable, but that doesn't mean it needs labels such as; 

"The root of all evil"

If you feel like money resembles stress, anxiety or negativity within your life it may have a lasting effect which can create a 'poverty mindset'.

These types of beliefs will only attract more stress, struggle, and hardship within your life because your subconscious associates these feelings.

So the next time you have a bill in the mail remember that it's simply energy, you will obtain more so try not to associate it with stress and struggle. 

If that doesn't work, I think my last tip will really help. 

3.) Use Subliminal Affirmations:

Subliminal affirmations are positive messages that are disguised in hypnosis type audio tracks.

The audio tracks usually consist of natural sounds for relaxation such as raindrops, waterfalls, animals and other sounds of nature.

The most fascinating thing is you can't hear the subliminal messages, only your subconscious can. 

So, if you have pre-programmed subconscious 'abundance blocks' using subliminals is a powerful way to clear resistance.

Your mind works on neuroplasticity, which means it can be shaped and formed it certain ways, ways that you be may be unaware of, and ways that may be stopping you from manifesting money. 

The thing that makes subliminals great is they're so powerful yet so simple to use, plus they compliment your visualization techniques well too. 

There is a really helpful program that uses binaural beats and subliminals, that will recondition your mind for abundance, it's by Eddie Sergey and I recommend you check it out. 


To sum it up, manifesting money is about taking the right steps towards alignment. 

Money is energy, so you need to match yourself to the right frequency in order for it to manifest. 

Acting as if, visualizing, and listening to subliminal frequencies are all powerful techniques that will create the life you want.

Remember that what you focus is what you will attract within your life, so if that's money you need to take these steps and apply them right away! 

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